4 thoughts on “How to shoot jewelry? Jewelry shooting skills”

  1. Hongdian commercial photography knows that jewelery itself is pure and bright. Therefore, when contacting jewelry, be sure to wear white gloves. Before shooting, use sheepskin to carefully clean.布景时,要根据珠宝首饰的特征和大小灵活握,要使一个新奇独特的创意得以完美的表现,无论采用何种方式来设置首饰均不为过,如:用胶粘、铁丝支撑、悬挂、 Proper cover, etc. As long as you regulate the perspective, do not damage the jewelry, you can wear it. But the later modification is an indispensable link.

  2. Macro -point commercial photography shooting jewelry jewelry belongs to the category of macro photography. In addition to the equipment and equipment with advertising photography, it has an excellent macro lens. Otherwise, other hard work will be in vain.

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