2 thoughts on “What is high -light glass”

  1. High -light glass is also a ultra -white glass, which is a superpowered low -speed glass, also known as low -iron glass and high transparent glass. It is a high -quality, multifunctional new high -end glass variety, with a light transmission rate of more than 91.5%. It has the characteristics of crystal clear, high -end and elegant, and is known as the "Crystal Prince" of the glass family.
    The white glass has all the processable performance of high -quality floating glass, with superior physical, mechanical and optical properties, and can perform various deep processing like other high -quality floating glass. Unparalleled superior quality and product performance make ultra -white glass have broad application space and light market prospects.
    Pucting data: The product characteristics of ultra -white glass also set a field of applications for ultra -white glass.
    1, high -end market: ultra -white glass's crystal luster and clear brightness, good light refractive index is also widely used in high -end markets. For example, the inside and outside decoration of high -end buildings, high -end horticultural buildings, high -end glass furniture, various imitation crystal products and cultural relics protection display, high -end gold jewelry display, high -end shopping malls, shopping center space, brand stores, etc. Technology products: Ultra -white glass is also applied to some technology products, electronic products, high -end cars, solar cells and other industries. The development and application of solar energy will also provide huge business opportunities for ultra -white glass -the glass substrate of the solar photovoltaic power generation system needs to use ultra -white glass, because the light transmission rate of ultra -white glass is more than 92%.
    3, building: For example, the National Theater in Beijing uses the ultra -white glass of St. Gobabng, France, Shanghai opera.
    Reference information Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Super White Glass

  2. High -light glass is also called reducing reflex glass, low reflected glass, and anti -glare glass. It is a glass that specializes the glass surface for special treatment. The principle is to treat the high -quality glass, one -sided or double -sided, and the polishing process is treated. Compared with ordinary glass, it has a lower reflection ratio, which reduces the reflectivity of light to less than 1 %, thereby reducing the interference of the environmental reflection. It is a special glass with high and low reflection. The high reflection coefficient will produce reflection under the sun, making people unable to see the objects behind the glass. High -light light treatment can reduce reflection, enhance visual effects, reduce the reflection coefficient on the glass surface, ensure that the glass maintains a good transmission in the sun, improve the clarity and energy of the picture, reduce the screen reflection of the screen, make the image clearer and realistic Let the viewers enjoy better visual effects.
    The high -light/low reflected glass reduces the reflectance rate of the glass surface to 2%, the light transmission can reach more than 80%, and the gloss can reach more than 60%
    , Display and other glass products

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