5 thoughts on “Why is Swarovski's jewelry jewelry depreciated so fast?”

  1. Swarovski was founded in 1895 and was founded by Daniel Swarovski in Austria. It is the world's leading crystal manufacturer. It provides a large number of high -quality cutting crystal stones for industries such as fashion, jewelry and crystal lamps each year.
    Is a very important factor in the preservation of jewelry in jewelry is the rareness of the gemstone. The more rare gems, the greater the value of the value of gems, and the older the older, the older the more valuable.
    The materials used by Swarovski's jewelry are some crystals, ceramics, and not rare metals. In fact, Swarovski's jewelry has no jewelry value link.
    Minicity is willing to buy Swarovski jewelry in the beauty of the appearance. Swarovski stacked the crystal and other materials in an orderly manner. Wearing it on the wrist or on the neck will present a colorful color.
    For example, a very famous chain is called the eyes of the demon, and the instability of the material inlaid makes it controversial.
    The starting point for many people to buy jewelry is to look good, add the highlights of their own wear. However, the disadvantages and the general nature of materials are damaging the value of jewelry.
    , due to the simple manufacturing of crystals and other materials, there are many fake Swarovski jewelry on the market. Some people find that the crystal will fade after purchasing the counter.
    Mo wearing when bathing, swimming, you can't wear it, and you can't bring it to sleep, because the squeezing collision under a little pressure may let the crystal fall.
    So many people will fall into the trouble of continuous maintenance after buying Swarovski.
    In fact, in other words, except for the design concept behind Swarovski jewelry, in fact, the products of their own products are not collective.
    This because of strong replaceability and after -sales problems generated by product quality, many people are disappointed with Swarovski's jewelry.
    Therefore, many Swarovski jewelry on the market depreciates fast, and the update time is very short.
    Therefore, if there are some economic strength on hand and there is no particularly strong demand for color pursuits.
    It can choose to buy other jewelry, and try to buy some rare gems as much as possible.

  2. First of all, I also bought a black swan necklace in Swarovski because of my fame. After wearing it for a while, I found out that I bought it. Later, it was gradually discovered that the people around them were reflected this problem, and in the end they could not be left. If a brand has such a problem and does not deal with the follow -up in time, the reputation will naturally be difficult to depreciate.

  3. The jewelry market is fiercely competitive. If the quality of its own brand is not closed, and consumers do not carry out extensive publicity, it will lead to depreciation of brand products.

  4. After wearing it, it will be faded after long. The material is definitely not strict, and it is easy to drop the drill. The drill is still very cheap drill. It is the same as the glass.

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