How much does it cost to pay five insurances a month? How much does the company pay? How much does it cost?

5 thoughts on “How much does it cost to pay five insurances a month? How much does the company pay? How much does it cost?”

  1. How much does five insurances and one fund be determined by the payment ratio and base

    . The payment ratio of the unit and the individual five insurances and one fund

    1, the pension insurance payment ratio: 21%unit (all all (all all In the coordinated fund), 8%(all of the personal accounts).
    2, medical insurance payment ratio: 9%unit, individual 2% 3 yuan.
    3, the proportion of unemployment insurance payment: unit 2%, individual 1%.
    4. Payment ratio of work injury insurance: The unit pays 0.5%of you every month, and the employee individual does not need to pay a penny. The work injury insurance is determined by the industry scope divided by the unit to determine its work injury rate, at 0.5%~ Between 2%.
    5. Payment ratio of maternity insurance: The unit pays 1%of you every month, and the employees do not have to pay a penny.
    6. Housing provident fund payment ratio: According to the actual situation of the enterprise, the proportion of housing provident fund payment. However, in principle, the maximum payment amount shall not exceed 10%of the average salary of employees. The employer pays the housing provident fund at 12%of the salary. The unit and individual are 12%of the salary.

    . The payment base for five insurances and one gold

    five insurances and one gold payment base is generally based on the average monthly salary of the employees of the year. The specific manifestations of the timely manifestations are:
    1. The average monthly salary of the previous year is higher than the average salary of 300%or more employees at the end of the local year, and the amount of five insurances and one fund is calculated at 300%of the average monthly salary;
    2. The average monthly salary of the previous year was lower than the average salary of employees at the end of the previous year 60%or less, and the amount of five insurances and one fund payment base was calculated at 60%of the average monthly salary;
    3, the average monthly salary of the previous year of the previous year If the average salary of employees at the end of the year is between 60%-300%, the five insurances and one fund pay the base in accordance with the actual salary.
    The housing provident fund deposit base is the average monthly salary of the employee himself in the previous year, that is, the total salary of the previous year was divided by 12. The previous year refers to the natural year, that is, January to December last year.
    The housing provident fund deposit base shall not be lower than the minimum wage standards of employees' monthly monthly monthly monthly minimum wages announced by the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department, and shall not exceed the average monthly salary of the city ’s employees in the city’ s employees in the previous year.
    [Warm reminder] The base of social insurance payment is also called social insurance payment base, which is the basis for the insured unit and insured personnel to pay social insurance premiums. Social insurance payment base × payment ratio = social insurance premiums.

    three, five insurances and one gold calculation formula

    In pension insurance = payment base × 8%(personal payment ratio) payment base × 20%(unit payment ratio) r
    In medical insurance = payment base × 2%(individual payment ratio) payment base × 12%(unit payment ratio)
    It other social security projects and housing provident funds are also calculated according to the above calculation formula, of which five insurances and one fund payment payment The base is calculated based on the average monthly salary of the employee himself.

  2. How much social security costs depends on what you choose to pay. Taking Shanghai as an example, the Shanghai social insurance payment in 2021 is 5975-31014 yuan. If it is calculated by the minimum payment base, the employee social security fee needs to pay a total of 2345.8 yuan, of which individuals need to pay 627.4 yuan.
    The costs that employees need to pay are: 0.5% -29.9 yuan for unemployment insurance, 2% -119.5 yuan for medical insurance, and 8%-478 yuan for pension insurance, totaling 627.4 yuan.
    The costs that the enterprise needs to pay is: 1% -59.8 yuan for maternity insurance, 0.26% -15.3 yuan for work injury insurance, 0.5% -29.9 yuan for unemployment insurance, 9.5%of medical insurance - —567.7 yuan, 16% -956 yuan of pension insurance, totaling 1718.4 yuan.

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, lawyer Baidu answered for younThe basic salary of 2130 yuan, deducted 5 insurances and 1 gold at about 300 a month.nWhen retiring, a month of pension that can be received is the minimum. Generally, it is 1800 yuan.nIf your salary before tax is 10,000 yuan, the "five insurance and one gold" paid by individuals is 22.2%, plus 3 yuan, that is, 2223 yuan. The tax paid by 322.70 yuan is deducted, and there are still 7454.30 yuan. That is, the salary you can get every month is 7,454 yuan. (The unit also pays you 4428 yuan for you, so the unit actually paid 14428 yuan per month.)nHow much does five insurances and one fund be determined by the payment ratio and base number 1. The proportion of the unit and the individual five insurances and one fund 1, the proportion of pension insurance payment: 21%of the unit (all of the allocated funds) To. 2. Payment ratio of medical insurance: 9%in unit, 2% 3 yuan in individuals. 3. Increased insurance payment ratio: 2%unit, personal 1%. 4. Payment ratio of work injury insurance: The unit pays 0.5%per month, and the employee's individual does not need to pay for one penny. between. 5. The proportion of maternity insurance payment: The unit pays 1%of you every month, and the employees do not have to pay a penny. 6. Payment ratio of housing provident fund: According to the actual situation of the enterprise, choose the proportion of housing provident fund payment. However, in principle, the maximum payment amount shall not exceed 10%of the average salary of employees. The employer pays the housing provident fund at 12%of the salary. The unit and individual are 12%of the salary.n3 morenBleak

  4. Five insurances are the guarantee for our lives, but most of the five insurances are borne by the unit. Individuals only bear 8 % of pension insurance, 2 % of medical insurance and 1 % unemployment insurance, with a total of 11 %. If you pay 4000 per month, you need to pay 4000*11%= 440 yuan. Five insurances mainly refer to medical insurance, maternity insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance and work injury insurance.
    Among them, different insurance payment ratios will be different, as follows:
    1, maternity insurance: Individuals do not pay, all shall be borne by the unit. For example, Beijing account is generally paid at 0.8%of the payment base.
    2, endowment insurance: unit payment ratio accounts for 20%, and personal payment ratio is 8%.
    3, medical insurance: unit payment ratio accounts for 10%, and personal payment ratio is 2%.
    4, unemployment insurance: The unit pays at 1.5%of the payment base, and the individual pays at 0.5%at the base.
    5, work injury insurance: Generally, individuals do not pay, and the unit pays for payment. Depending on the nature of the unit, the proportion of deductions will be different.
    1. The amount of five insurances and one gold in most areas requires 1500 yuan a month. However, the social security expenses deducted from personal salary per month are not forced by the state, which depends on the actual situation of employees, because the high or low salary will affect the social security payment standards.
    2, five insurances and one fund are paid according to monthly. Generally, the company will deduct the corresponding salary of the month as the payment fee, and then submit it to the Social Security Bureau and the Housing Provident Fund Center with the company. It should also be noted that in addition to endowment insurance and medical insurance, other work injury insurance, maternity insurance, and unemployment insurance are available in the five insurances. There is no time limit. As long as it is participating, the unit must buy.
    [Legal basis]
    If according to Article 2 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China: the state establishs social insurance systems such as basic pension insurance, basic medical insurance, work injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance Under the circumstances of the elderly, illness, work injury, unemployment, fertility, etc., the right to help from the country and society from the country and society.

  5. Five insurances are the guarantee for our lives, but most of the five insurances are borne by the unit. Individuals only bear 8 % of pension insurance, 2 % of medical insurance and 1 % unemployment insurance, with a total of 11 %. If you pay 4000 per month, you need to pay 4000*11%= 440 yuan. Five insurances mainly refer to medical insurance, maternity insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance and work injury insurance.
    Among them, different insurance payment ratios will be different, as follows:
    1, maternity insurance: Individuals do not pay, all shall be borne by the unit. For example, Beijing account is generally paid at 0.8%of the payment base.
    2, endowment insurance: unit payment ratio accounts for 20%, and personal payment ratio is 8%.
    3, medical insurance: unit payment ratio accounts for 10%, and personal payment ratio is 2%.
    4, unemployment insurance: The unit pays at 1.5%of the payment base, and the individual pays at 0.5%at the base.
    5, work injury insurance: Generally, individuals do not pay, and the unit pays for payment. Depending on the nature of the unit, the proportion of deductions will be different.
    1. The amount of five insurances and one gold in most areas requires 1500 yuan a month. However, the social security expenses deducted from personal salary per month are not forced by the state, which depends on the actual situation of employees, because the high or low salary will affect the social security payment standards.
    2, five insurances and one fund are paid according to monthly. Generally, the company will deduct the corresponding salary of the month as the payment fee, and then submit it to the Social Security Bureau and the Housing Provident Fund Center with the company. It should also be noted that in addition to endowment insurance and medical insurance, other work injury insurance, maternity insurance, and unemployment insurance are available in the five insurances. There is no time limit. As long as it is participating, the unit must buy.
    [Legal basis]
    If according to Article 2 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China: the state establishs social insurance systems such as basic pension insurance, basic medical insurance, work injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance Under the circumstances of the elderly, illness, work injury, unemployment, fertility, etc., the right to help from the country and society from the country and society.

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