An old man who sold grapes in Anhui was deceived and collected 300 counterfeit coins. How should these counterfeit currency be dealt with?

5 thoughts on “An old man who sold grapes in Anhui was deceived and collected 300 counterfeit coins. How should these counterfeit currency be dealt with?”

  1. The use of counterfeit currency in our country is illegal, so when we find that fake coins circulate, we should actively report it. Only in this way can we reduce the phenomenon of fake currency circulation. The treatment of counterfeit currency is generally destroyed. After all, the existence of counterfeit currency has no meaning, and it will only destroy the circulation order of normal currencies. Although the phenomenon of counterfeit currency in today's life has improved, it still exists, because some criminals always want to make profits in this way. Due to the arrival of digital currencies Payment has greatly increased the difficulty of fake currency circulation. Today's fake currency circulation gathering points have reached the elderly, because the elderly do not use today's network payment, and the elderly's ability to identify the authenticity is relatively weak, so the elderly in today's society are the main victims.

    On October 24th, an old man was deceived in this place in Anhui. A rural elderly man set up stalls to sell grapes to earn money. A woman was successively in succession. The old man bought a lot of grapes here. After the transaction was completed, the old talent found that the woman paid 300 yuan in cash was a counterfeit currency. This is a huge harm for an old man without labor. But a huge amount, which caused a lot of controversy after the incident appeared. The first is the condemnation of the woman. The second is sympathy for the elderly. There is how to deal with fake coins.

    The identification of counterfeit currency can now be distinguished, but for some elderly people with stalls, there are no these advanced instruments. The banknotes must be purchased. In order to avoid choosing not selling or letting them go to break before buying. If you unfortunately receive fake coins, do n’t have a chance to spend, you should destroy or pay it to the bank by yourself.

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